Friends complete life and friendship makes life beautiful . Real friends are luxury . we all have
one precious person in our lives whom we call as our Best friend .Friends help each other like
family Sometimes they are more than a family .Friendship in life is important just like love .
However, there are times when we want to say a lot of things but we could not find the correct
words to express .
- "A day without a friend is like a pot wihout a single drop of honey left inside" - Winnie the pooh
2. Best friends stay together , slay together
3. "A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the worlds walks out" -walter winchell .
4.A friend is one soul abiding in two bodies
5. There are three things that grow more precious with age ,old wood to burn ,old books to read ,and old friends to enjoy
6Nothing seems difficult when you have your best friend with you .
7. I annoy him, adore him and love him. yes ,I am talking about my bestfriend .
8.Hey ! Bestie i love you.
9.We laugh together ,cry together .we are best friends .
10. True friends are never apart ,maybe in distance but never heart .
11.Friendship is the light which helps you to grow even in dark .
12.Sometimes best friends means three people for each other in every sorrow and happiness.
13.More than a family ,more than lovers ,we are always there for each other,
we are besties.
14.We grow together ,glow together and we love to eat together .
that is the reason we are forever friends !
15.Friendship is not about understanding each other always .it is
also about annoying each other .
16.The best mirror is an old friend -GEORGE HERBERT
17. A good friend is like a four leaf clover ,hard to find and lucky to have -Irish proverb
18.True friends are like diamonds,bright ,beautiful,valuable and always in style. -nicole richie
19.Let us be grateful to the people who make us happy ,they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom. -Marcel proust
20.Friends are relatives you make for yourself - EUSTACHE DESCHAMPS
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